Research the job
You need to find out as much as you can about the position that you are applying for.
You are attempting to match your own skills and strengths to their job description.
Upon arrival you might be able to glean some information from the Receptionist and there may be company literature left in the seating area which may assist you in your research.
Research the Company
Carry out research on the Company as follows.
Use Google/Companies House to obtain information relating to the Company.
Where and when was it established?
Check LinkedIn / the Company Website.
Know what its products are.
Its size, i.e., is it local / National / EU or International based.
Its reputation, certification / awards.
Its image or brand.
Its goals (which might be displayed in reception).
How many people do they employ locally / nationally?
What is the company’s philosophy or mission statement?
Know the company’s origins, i.e., is it a family company?
Plan your route
Give yourself plenty of time to get to the appointment – ideally you should aim to arrive 5-10 minutes early to give yourself a chance to look around and relax.
Always have the main phone line to hand in case your Bus / Train or car is held up and you can phone the Company in advance. Not phoning and arriving late is not an excuse to them.
Dress professionally
No matter who the company may be, their first impressions of you will always count.
We would recommend that men and women wear suits and sensible shoes. Woman should wear a moderate amount of makeup and simple jewellery and, where possible, men should be clean shaven, with a tie. Once you get the job, Office dress codes may relax later.
Take one bag or case with you to carry your documents. Leave items that are not required for the day.